Adaptive mechanisms of conservation populations of rare and endemic species of Kamelinia tianschanica F.O. Khass & I.I. Malzev in Uzbekistan
Dilovar Tolibdjonovna Khamraeva, Rainer W. Bussmann, Ozodbek Sultankulovich Abduraimov and Nodira Kamiljanovna Rakhimova
The current paper presents a data on the adaptation mechanisms of populations of an endemic species Kamelinia tianschanica F.O. Khass. & I.I. Malzev under conservation status. With this example we tried to highlight the adaptation mechanism in conservation populations of plant species in Uzbekistan, a country rich in endemic genera especially from Umbelliferae (Apiaceae Lindl.). The rare species Kamelinia tianschanica belongs to the respective endemic genus of Central Asia. We studied the features of morphogenesis and ontogenetic structure of populations, and the current state of Kamelinia tianschanica populations was estimated based on a set of factors. Ontogenetic stages are allocated. According to the results of our work, the ontogeny of the species can be divided into 3 periods and 7 age stages, characterized as shortened due to the elimination of a senile age stage and complicated by the presence of renewal shoots, allowing vegetative reproduction. The long duration of the middle-aged generative stage leads to rapid death and thus elimination of a senile period. Ramets lead to the shortening of the juvenile stage of development. The spectrum of populations with regard to the ontogenetic structure is left-sided, centered on virginal individuals, with the highest proportion of middle-aged generative individuals. In the studied populations, young plants (juvenile, immature) make up the smallest number, due to various factors of elimination, including irregular seed propagation. Adaptive conservation mechanisms include planting of some vegetative propagated individuals in the population to foster reproduction of Kamelinia tianschanica. Additionally, the location of a population’s natural area is an important factor for the conservation of the species
To Cite this article:
Khamraeva, D.T., R.W. Bussmann, O.S. Abduraimov and N.K. Rakhimova. 2023. Adaptive mechanisms of conservation populations of rare and endemic species of Kamelinia tianschanica F.O. Khass & I.I. Malzev in Uzbekistan. Pak. J. Bot., 55(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-3(18)