Varietal difference in Zn responsiveness of rice under normal and saline conditions
Zuhra Mazhar, Javaid Akhtar, Riaz Hussain Qureshi and Rashid Ahmad
Being involved in several biochemical and physiological processes Zn is an essentially required micronutrient. A huge part of global population is Zn deficient due to low dietary Zn intake, leading to several health complications. The use of saline soils further decreases the concentration of Zn in crop plants. To find a sustainable solution, the current study was planned to assess the Zn responsiveness of different rice varieties in saline conditions. The high potential varieties can be used to fortify Zn in rice. In this study assessment of different rice varieties (Punjab basmati, BAS-515, KSK-133, KSK-434, PS-2, Super basmati, KS-282, Chenab basmati, Kissan Basmati, BAS-2000, Shaheen basmati, PK-386, IR-6 and Pak basmati) was done to screen out varieties with high Zn efficiency and uptake potential. Plants were grown under two salt levels (control, 75 mmol NaCl) and two levels of Zn (control, 4 µM Zn). The solution pH was kept at 5.5-6. Yoshida’s nutrient solution was used and 30 days old plants were harvested. There was a significant varietal difference in response to salt stress and Zn application as evaluated through different growth and chemical attributes. Based on the salt tolerance, Zn uptake and K-mean cluster analysis, the variety IR-6 of rice was evaluated to be more Zn responsive than other tested varieties. In conclusion, varietal difference in response to salt stress, Zn application and Zn accumulation was significantly evident and varietal screening should be considerd as a pivotal step prior to consideration for bio fortification of Zn in rice either for agronomic or genetic perspective
To Cite this article:
Mazhar, Z., J. Akhtar, R.H. Qureshi and R. Ahmad. 2023. Varietal difference in Zn responsiveness of rice under normal and saline conditions. Pak. J. Bot., 55(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-3(28)