Paper Details


Assessment of the macro elements in maize under cadmium stress alleviation through exogenous application of proline and trehalose  

Muhammad Sohail, Zafar Iqbal Khan, Kafeel Ahmad, Naila Riaz, Faiza Zubair, Ijaz Rasool Noorka, Abid Ejaz and Asma Ashfaq

Cadmium toxicity is a significant environmental issue affecting crop growth and productivity globally. Maize, a rich source of nutrition, is an excellent model plant to study physiological changes responsible for reduced productivity under stressful conditions. This study assessed the effect of Cd concentrations on maize seedlings before and after exogenous application of proline and trehalose in 25 mM, 50 mM, and 75 mM concentrations. Trehalose has emerged as an important reducing sugar that can reduce the adverse impacts of Cd. Exogenous proline increased proline content and alleviated Cd-induced seedling growth inhibition. It also increased antioxidant enzyme activities and reduced reactive oxygen species accumulation. Compared with other concentrations, 75 mM of exogenous proline and trehalose was the most effective at mitigating Cd toxicity in maize. The results depicted that proline showed the better plant growth in Cd stressed maize plants due to better yield and cob level, lesser degradation of chlorophylls, and accumulation of essential mineral contents. Hence, the research concluded that exogenous application of proline and trehalose could be beneficial in reducing Cd toxicity in maize crop

To Cite this article: Sohail, M., Z.I. Khan, K. Ahmad, N. Riaz, F. Zubair, I.R. Noorka, A. Ejaz and A. Ashfaq. 2025. Assessment of the macro elements in maize under cadmium stress alleviation through exogenous application of proline and trehalose. Pak. J. Bot., 57(4): DOI:  

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