Use of organic compost with Paracoccus denitrificans suspensions improve rice and wheat yields with lower emissions of greenhouse gases
Rui Kang, Hongzhi Min, Xingchen Huang, Chen Gang, Huan Liu, Chenhui Shu, Hassan Muhammad Ahmad, Luis Alejandro Jose Mur, Lantian Ren And Wenge Wu
In this experiment, we evaluated the effects of different compost proportions combined with Paracoccus denitrificans nitrate-reducing suspensions on greenhouse gas emissions and soil microbiota associated with rice and wheat plants, focusing on yield and quality outcomes. The treatments were as follows: T0 (single application of organic fertilizer), T1 (10% compost instead of fertilizer), T2 (20% compost replacement), T3 (30% compost replacement), W0 (clear water), W1 (P. denitrificans suspension MHZ006), W2 (P. denitrificans suspension MHZ007). Compost application improved crop yield ,quality of rice and wheat and the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Compared to T1W0, T2W0 and T3W0 increased soil proteobacteria by 7.34% and 12.03%. Firmicutes increased by 3.35% and 0.15%, respectively Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions decreased by 16.98% and 48.27%, while methane (CH4) emissions rose by 1.36% and 23.62%, respectively. The application of P. denitrificans suspensions significantly reduced CH4 emissions. The combination of 30% compost and microbial suspension MHZ007, was the most effective fertilization measure, reducing CH4 and N2O by 80.75% and 96.12%, respectively while increasing yield by 15.77%, compared with that of a single fertilizer. Thus, 30% compos with microbial suspension MHZ007 effectively improves and enhances the yield and quality of rice and wheat, reduces N2O and CH4 emissions, and improves soil vitality
To Cite this article:
Kang, R., H. Min, X. Huang, C. Gang, H. Liu, C. Shu, H.M. Ahmad, L. Alejandro J. Mur, L. Ren and W. Wu. 2025. Use of organic compost with Paracoccus denitrificans suspensions improve rice and wheat yields with lower emissions of greenhouse gases. Pak. J. Bot., 57(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2025-1(40)